
Horse boarding is $1,150 per month and includes the following:

Four group lessons per month. Lessons may not be deducted from the price of the board fee and must be taken within the month the board fee is paid for. Lessons may also not be transferred.

Four training rides per month, as deemed necessary by the trainer.  This is a unique service only Triton provides!

Daily boarding in a 12-foot square stall, feed and hay twice daily, water and daily turnout, weather permitting.

Blanketing services are provided for an additional fee.

Training Board is also available. Contact us for more details.

The board contract is on a month-to-month basis.

Trailer parking is available at no charge while the horse is being boarded, space permitting.

Current Coggins certification is REQUIRED.

The Boarder’s Agreement must be completed in full and submitted before boarding begins.

Lots of love and attention comes standard!